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Controller architecture

High Level Overview

Physical layout and operating model


  • Yellow box: namespace
  • Rounded box: processes
  • Rectangle: CR instances
flowchart LR subgraph hypershift cluster-operator([HyperShift Operator]) end subgraph user-clusters HostedClusterA NodePoolA end subgraph cluster-a control-plane-operator([Control Plane Operator]) capi-manager([CAPI Manager]) capi-provider([CAPI Provider]) HostedControlPlane ExternalInfraCluster cp-components([Control Plane Components]) capi-cluster[CAPICluster] capi-machine-template[CAPIInfrastructureMachineTemplate] capi-machineset[CAPI MachineSet] capi-machine[CAPI Machine] capi-provider-machine[CAPIInfrastructureMachine] end cluster-operator-->|reconciles|HostedClusterA cluster-operator-->|operates|control-plane-operator cluster-operator-->|operates|capi-manager cluster-operator-->|operates|capi-provider cluster-operator-->|creates|HostedControlPlane cluster-operator-->|creates|capi-cluster cluster-operator-->|creates|ExternalInfraCluster cluster-operator-->|reconciles|NodePoolA cluster-operator-->|creates|capi-machine-template cluster-operator-->|creates|capi-machineset control-plane-operator-->|operates|cp-components control-plane-operator-->|reconciles|HostedControlPlane capi-manager-->|reconciles|capi-cluster capi-manager-->|reconciles|capi-machineset capi-manager-->|creates|capi-machine capi-provider-->|reconciles|capi-machine capi-provider-->|creates|capi-provider-machine

TODO: 1. How do we (or should we) represent an input/output or "consumes" relationship (e.g. the hypershift operator creates and syncs machine templates, and the CAPI provider reads the template, but nothing actively watches templates and does work in reaction to them directly)

Major Components

HyperShift Operator

The HyperShift Operator is a singleton within the management cluster that manages the lifecycle of hosted clusters represented by HostedCluster resources.

A single version of the the HyperShift Operator knows how to manage multiple hosted OCP versions.

The HyperShift Operator is responsible for:

  • Processing HostedCluster and NodePool resources and managing Control Plane Operator and Cluster API (CAPI) deployments which do the actual work of installing a control plane.
  • Managing the lifecycle of the hosted cluster by handling rollouts of new Control Plane Operator and CAPI deployments based on version changes to HostedCluster and NodePool resources.
  • Aggregating and surfacing information about clusters.

HostedCluster Controller

graph TD hosted-cluster-controller[HostedCluster Controller] --> reconcile([Reconcile HostedCluster]) reconcile --> is-deleted{{Deleted?}} is-deleted -->|Yes| teardown([Teardown]) is-deleted -->|No| sync([Sync]) teardown -->teardown-complete{{Teardown complete?}} teardown-complete -->|Yes| return teardown-complete -->|No| reconcile sync --> create-namespace([Create Namespace]) create-namespace --> deploy-cp-operator([Deploy Control Plane Operator]) deploy-cp-operator --> deploy-capi-manager([Deploy CAPI Manager]) deploy-capi-manager --> deploy-capi-provider([Deploy CAPI Provider]) deploy-capi-provider --> create-capi-cluster([Create CAPICluster]) create-capi-cluster --> create-hosted-control-plane([Create HostedControlPlane]) create-hosted-control-plane --> create-external-infra-cluster([Create ExternalInfraCluster]) create-external-infra-cluster -->has-initial-nodes{{HostedCluster has initial nodes?}} has-initial-nodes -->|Yes| create-node-pool([Create NodePool]) has-initial-nodes -->|No| return create-node-pool --> return return([End])

NodePool Controller

graph TD nodepool-controller[NodePool Controller] --> reconcile([Reconcile NodePool]) reconcile --> is-deleted{{Deleted?}} is-deleted -->|Yes| teardown([Teardown]) is-deleted -->|No| sync([Sync]) sync --> create-capi-machineset([Create CAPIMachineSet]) create-capi-machineset --> create-capi-infra-machine-template([Create CAPIInfrastructureMachineTemplate]) create-capi-infra-machine-template --> return teardown -->teardown-complete{{Teardown complete?}} teardown-complete -->|Yes| return teardown-complete -->|No| reconcile return([End])

ExternalInfraCluster Controller

graph TD external-infra-cluster-controller[ExternalInfraCluster Controller] --> reconcile([Reconcile ExternalInfraCluster]) reconcile --> is-deleted{{Deleted?}} is-deleted -->|Yes| teardown([Teardown]) is-deleted -->|No| sync([Sync]) teardown -->teardown-complete{{Teardown complete?}} teardown-complete -->|Yes| return teardown-complete -->|No| reconcile sync --> get-hosted-control-plane([Get HostedControlPlane]) get-hosted-control-plane -->is-hcp-ready{{Is HostedControlPlane ready?}} is-hcp-ready -->|No| reconcile is-hcp-ready -->|Yes| update-infra-status([Update ExternalInfraCluster status]) update-infra-status --> return return([End])

Control Plane Operator

The Control Plane Operator is deployed by the HyperShift Operator into a hosted control plane namespace and manages the rollout of a single version of the the hosted cluster's control plane.

The Control Plane Operator is versioned in lockstep with a specific OCP version and is decoupled from the management cluster's version.

The Control Plane Operator is responsible for:

  • Provisioning all the infrastructure required to host a control plane (whether this means creating or adopting existing infrastructure). This infrastructure may be management cluster resources, external cloud provider resources, etc.
  • Deploying an OCP control plane configured to run in the context of the provisioned infrastructure.
  • Implementing any versioned behavior necessary to rollout the new version (e.g. version specific changes at layers above OCP itself, like configuration or infrastructure changes).

HostedControlPlane Controller

graph TD hosted-control-plane-controller[HostedControlPlane Controller] --> reconcile([Reconcile HostedControlPlane]) reconcile --> is-deleted{{Deleted?}} is-deleted -->|Yes| teardown([Teardown]) is-deleted -->|No| sync([Sync]) teardown -->teardown-complete{{Teardown complete?}} teardown-complete -->|Yes| return teardown-complete -->|No| reconcile sync --> create-infra([Deploy Control Plane
Components]) create-infra --> create-config-operator([Deploy Hosted Cluster
Config Operator]) create-config-operator -->is-infra-ready{{Infra ready?}} is-infra-ready -->|Yes| update-hosted-controlplane-ready([Update HostedControlPlane status]) is-infra-ready -->|No| reconcile update-hosted-controlplane-ready --> return return([End])

Hosted Cluster Config Operator

The Hosted Cluster Config Operator is a control plane component maintained by HyperShift that's a peer to other control plane components (e.g., etcd, apiserver, controller-manager), and is managed by the Control Plane Operator in the same way as those other control plane components.

The Hosted Cluster Config Operator is versioned in lockstep with a specific OCP version and is decoupled from the management cluster's version.

The Hosted Cluster Config Operator is responsible for:

  • Reading CAs from the hosted cluster to configure the kube controller manager CA bundle running in the hosted control plane
  • Reconciling resources that live on the hosted cluster:
    • CRDs created by operators that are absent from the hosted cluster (RequestCount CRD created by cluster-kube-apiserver-operator)
    • Clearing any user changes to the ClusterVersion resource (all updates should be driven via HostedCluster API)
    • ClusterOperator stubs for control plane components that run outside.
    • Global Configuration that is managed via the HostedCluster API
    • Namespaces that are normally created by operators that are absent from the cluster.
    • RBAC that is normally created by operators that are absent from the cluster.
    • Registry configuration
    • Default ingress controller
    • Control Plane PKI (kubelet serving CA, control plane signer CA)
    • Konnectivity Agent
    • OpenShift APIServer resources (APIServices, Service, Endpoints)
    • OpenShift OAuth APIServer resources (APIServices, Service, Endpoints)
    • Monitoring Configuration (set node selector to non-master nodes)
    • Pull Secret
    • OAuth serving cert CA
    • OAuthClients required by the console
    • Cloud Credential Secrets (contain STS role for components that need cloud access)
    • OLM CatalogSources
    • OLM PackageServer resources (APIService, Service, Endpoints)

Resource dependency diagram

  • Dotted lines are dependencies (ownerRefs)
  • Solid lines are associations (e.g. infrastructureRefs or controlPlaneRefs on specs)
classDiagram HostedCluster HostedControlPlane ..> CAPICluster ExternalInfraCluster ..> CAPICluster CAPICluster ..> HostedCluster CAPICluster --> HostedControlPlane CAPICluster --> ExternalInfraCluster CAPIMachineSet ..> CAPICluster CAPIMachineSet --> CAPIInfrastructureMachineTemplate CAPIMachine ..>CAPIMachineSet CAPIMachine -->CAPIInfrastructureMachine CAPIInfrastructureMachine ..>CAPIMachine CAPIInfrastructureMachineTemplate ..>CAPICluster


Trying to show how certain important resources are derived from others. These are resources created by our operators, not by CAPI.

classDiagram CAPICluster ..> HostedControlPlane CAPICluster ..> ExternalInfraCluster HostedControlPlane ..> HostedCluster ExternalInfraCluster ..> HostedCluster
classDiagram CAPIInfrastructureTemplate ..> NodePool CAPIInfrastructureTemplate ..> HostedCluster CAPIMachineSet ..> NodePool CAPIMachineSet ..> HostedCluster CAPIMachineSet ..> CAPIInfrastructureTemplate